Weight lose tips | These 12 Habits Will Make You Slim-n-Trim...
There is no dearth of tip for weight loss these days. Some weight loss tips work while some waste your energy and time. So to make your task easier, I've picked up some very common weight loss tips and ranked them in three categories, from worst to best.
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After reading this post completely, I claim that you will know for sure how to get rid of the accumulated fat on your body.
From Well Research, Scientific Information and Ayurveda Sanhitas, I have divided 12 popular weight loss tips into three categories.
Category number one comes in 5 such bad weight loss tips that you should not do at all.
Category No.1 :- 5 Worst Weight loss tips
#1 ❌ Switch to Artificial Sweetener ❌
Credit:- world.openfoodfacts.org
It is known now-a-days that refined sugar contains empty calories, which our body is not able to absorb properly, which leads to weight gain. Therefore, advice is received from somewhere to use zero calorie sugar free. Assuming this, people start drinking diet coke instead of regular coke. Instead of sugar in tea, he prefers to add sugar free, buy sugar free things from supermarket. Although this zero calorie nowadays an artificial sweetener is more useless than sugar. So much so that companies have to mention in the pack that artificial sweetener has been added to it which is not for children. Many side effects have been seen in these artificial sweeteners. This time when you want to give up sugar, do not use artificial sweeteners at all.
#2 ❌ It's all about exercise. ❌
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Everything depends on exercise, do exercise daily but do not pay attention to food habits at all. It is not like that at all. How quickly you will lose fat, it depends on your overall nutrition. Hence nutrition is the deciding factor. However, this does not mean that you should not exercise at all. You will get better results with regular exercise. 'What type of exercise do you do?' That makes a big difference too. If you only do walking or running then it will not be so effective. Cardio exercises with weight training for both men and women and breathing exercises like Kapalbhati will give you quicker and better results. But yes, keep in mind that you must also eat healthy foods along with it.
#3 ❌ Spot reduction can be done ❌
You might have thought that the body is fine from all sides, but how to reduce this thigh fat? How do I make my arms thinner? How to reduce face fat? The truth is that you just can't do spot reduction. Yes? The strength of the muscles of a particular body part can be increased at all, but it is not possible to reduce the fat from that body part only. For most people, the fat builds up like a layer of onions, and less of it happens all over the body.
#4 ❌ Go gluten free. ❌
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If you want to lose weight, then stop eating gluten, you may have heard this. Basically gluten is a type of protein, which is found in wheat, barley and other cereals. Yes, you should go on a gluten free diet only if you are allergic to gluten.
#5 ❌ All calories are equal. ❌
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You've probably heard that just eat so many calories, keep track of it and eat whatever else you want. Yes, it is that if you are eating less calories then weight loss will happen, but it does not mean that you leave home food and start eating outside and then skip your main meal to make up for the deficiency. But our body doesn't work like this. The 500 calories that you will get by eating homemade food, you can never get by eating pizza.
All the weight loss tips given on category number 1 are useless and do not follow them at all.
Some over hyped weight loss tips come in category number two:-
#1 ❌ Drink Green tea🍵 for Weight Loss. ❌
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Green tea is marketed as a magical drink for weight loss. People think that eat anything, just drink green tea, weight loss will happen. This is absolutely wrong. There is no doubt that green tea contains antioxidants, a little tenin, which helps in weight loss. But if seen, all these things happen in black tea too. So both of them are effective in a way. However, along with this it is also important to take a healthy diet. According to Ayurveda, tea is very drawing for our body, so if your skin is already very dry. Then you should not drink green tea or black tea.
#2 ❌ Buy Fat Burner To Lose Weight. ❌
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Fat Burner is also an over hyped weight loss supplement. Many people think that taking one tablet of fat burner daily will lead to fat loss but friends fat burner is nothing more than a marketing gimmick so if you want to take supplement then it is better to take a fat burner of ₹1000 than you can make ₹2 black tea at home.
Now you will see below what to do exactly and how to actually lose weight. So let's talk about five weight loss tips that will be able to get rid of your access fat, very easily and effectively.
Category No. 3 Best Weight Loss Tips.
#1 Eat mindfully. ✅
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Nowadays we have become so addicted to technology that we hardly ever eat food without any electronic device. When we use TV or laptop while eating, our brain does not register the food we eat, due to which we tend to overeat. You have to eat basically slow, you have to chew one bite well and focus on eating only. By doing this you can also reduce your food intake by 50% without any energy loss. Mindful eating may seem a bit difficult in the beginning but gradually you will find it to be the most satisfying experience.
#2 Eat a Balance Diet. ✅
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Whenever you sit down to eat, fill half of your plate with fresh salad. Fill 1/4th of the plate with a protein-rich curry such as lentils or paneer and fill the remaining 1/4th with complex carbohydrates such as roti, rice or millet. Eat salad first, then the rest. With this plating method, you will automatically eat well balance meal and you will not feel hungry for a long time.
#3 Switch to healthier alternatives of sugar and salt. ✅
Credit:- world.openfoodfacts.org
For most people, sugar becomes the reason for their weight gain. While sweet and salty is not bad, but necessary. But you should know about the healthy source of sugar and salt. Not at all artificial sweetener, but jaggery, sugar, honey, thread mishri, desi khand are all healthy sources for sugar. Instead of sugar in tea, start adding sugar. Honey can also be added to lemonade and sugar candy in milk. These small things will keep your insulin level under control. Due to which it will be very easy to lose VAT. The normal iodized salt we eat goes through many chemical processes. Due to which the quantity of minerals in it becomes negligible. Due to which our body is not able to absorb properly and due to this weight gain also starts. Rock salt and black salt are such alternatives, which make the food salty. Also, it doesn't do any harm.
#4 Eat Whole Foods.✅
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Natural juices are fine to drink, but they may be missing an important macronutrient, which is dietary fiber. That's why I would recommend you to eat most of the food directly. Similarly, you should stay away from refined grains like white bread, refined flour and include whole wheat, semi brown rice, millets and oats in your diet. By eating Whole Foods, you will not feel hungry soon, on top of that your digestion will also be good.
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#5 Keep Backup Snacks.✅
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Many times when we are out, healthy foods are not available and we end up overeating due to hunger. To avoid such a situation, I would recommend you to keep a healthy snack with you. Any fruit, roasted peanuts, roasted chickpeas, dry fruits are some good options. Keep a water bottle with you all. Whenever you feel like drinking something, drink water from a water bottle and not any other type of energizing drink. With just one simple habit, your weight loss journey will become even easier.
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If you follow above all tips well, then I claim that no one can stop your weight loss.
So, see you in the next post till then stay connected with us (Healthovia).
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