3 Ways to Get Relief from Gas and Acidity...
Do you want to get rid of gas and acidity forever? If you want relief from your acidity and gas, then you're at the right place. Acidity looks like an ordinary problem from the outside but actually, if you don't solve them now, then they will turn into bigger diseases later like ulcer, IBS, and even cancer.
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That's why we felt it was important to make a post on this topic so that you can get rid of them right away.
In this post, you'll learn 3 mistakes that cause gas which you may be making every day along with that, you'll learn how to correct every mistake within 7 days of making these corrections, you'll get relief from your gas and acidity. Do read this post till the end because at the end, we'll share 3 bonus tips that no one shared with you before.
Come, let's start with a game We're going to present 5 food combinations to you. You have to tell us which of these 3 combinations are wrong.
Sabzi-rice, a glass of water with khichdi, dal-rice, salad with nuts, and finally, a fresh juicy mango after eating roti-sabzi For guessing the right answers, you only have 7 seconds Ready? Write the answers in the comment👇 section below.
Let's see how many answers you got right. But before that, let's find out what is the relation of food combination with acidity.
- Relation of food combination with acidity.
To understand, let's take the example of milk and a lemon. You must've seen yourself - what happens when you add a bit of lemon juice to milk? All the milk ends up being spoilt, there are many food items which are safe to consume on their own but create a big explosion when combined together. So it's possible you may be eating the healthiest food but because you're mixing it with the wrong things you still get acidity even after eating the best food.
- 1st wrong combination - having water with food.
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Is it such a big problem? Yes, This is the digestive fire burning in our stomach Ayurveda calls it Jatharagni. In English, it's digestive fire. When the food reaches our stomach, then our stomach works very hard to produce heat so that sufficient amount of heat is released to digest our food properly. But when we drink water right after eating, do we ever wonder what happens to the digestive fire? It's extinguished instantly. And if It's extinguished, our food isn't digested it starts rotting inside. And when it rots, it produces gas, acidity, belly fat & obesity.
🤔❓But what if I feel thirsty while having a meal?🤔❓
👉Reduce the salt and spice in our food. Just like our eyes burn when we touch them after holding spices in our hand similarly, these spices start burning our organs inside our body and then they demand a lot of water from us. So, if you want to stop having water after your meals, then reduce the salt and spices in your food. Replace your oily and masala-loaded food with Satvic food. Your acidity and gas will quickly disappear. And if you still feel thirsty, then have 1-2 small slips slowly.
If you want a whole glass of water, then have it 1 hour before your meal or 2 hours after your meal.
- 2nd Wrong Combination
2nd Wrong Combination which may be creating your acidity problem is dal-rice. Dal and rice are both grains and when we combine and eat 2 grains like dal-rice, dal-roti, chhola-rice, rajma-rice then it's hard for the body to digest it.
🤔❓ But this is the food that our grandparents ate. How can it be wrong?🤔 ❓
Yes that's right, but how was the lifestyle of your grandparents? They would wake up and clean the home every morning. Going to the fields right after breakfast. Working in sunlight the whole day and cycling home on their own after work in the evening that's what their lifestyle looked like. And today, what does your lifestyle look like? Who'll do the cleaning? The maid will do it. How will you get to work? The Uber will come And if you're feeling lazy, who'll get the food? Zomato will get it. If you're doing just 1 hour of light exercise like walking and spend the rest of the day sitting, then you've lost the digestive ability of your grandparents your body can't digest 2 grains at the same time and who enters the picture then? Gas and acidity! What's the solution? Eat more veggies with roti, rice, or any other grains. If you're having 1 bowl of rice, then have at least 3 bowls of vegetables. If you're having 1 roti, then have at least 2 bowls of vegetables With this one switch, you'll see your gas and acidity problems disappearing. If by chance, you have acidity after this, then stop having roti for at least 7-10 days and only eat sabzi. For some people, roti does not suit them and that's what causes gas.
- 3rd wrong combination - eating fruits after having grains.
What happens when you do this? Come, let's learn with an example. Assume there's a narrow street and you're on a scooter, You'll easily cross this empty street in a minute but if there's a big truck on this street, what will happen? You'll be trapped. If this truck moves very slowly, then you'll be trapped behind it and then you'll start getting frustrated stuck behind it. That's what the story of fruits and grains looks like too. Grains are like trucks they move slowly through your digestive system and fruits are like scooters - light and fast if you eat a juicy mango, orange, or grapes right after eating grains, then the fruits will get stuck right behind the grains and will start fermenting and rotting to cause gas and acidity.
- Conclusion
So till now, we learned 3 such habits that will keep acidity and gas away from you.
👉Not drinking water with meals, if you want to drink, then drink 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals.
👉Don't mix 2 grains at one time and
👉Leave some space between eating grains and fruits.
- Bonus Tips
Now we want to share 3 bonus tips with you.
- Banana stem juicie: Drink a glass of this 1 hour before your breakfast. How do we make it? Take a banana stem. You can get it from any vegetable vendor around you. Remove its outer peel and chop this rod-like part into pieces and blend them in a mixer. You may need to add some water. If you can't find banana stem, then you can even have ash gourd juice. You can have either of these juices in the morning on an empty stomach and don't eat anything for an hour after having it. Both of these juices are really effective at reducing gas.
- Wet Pack: If the pain in your stomach goes up because of acidity, then use a wet pack for 30 mins.
- Add more herbs and green leaves to your food Natural herbs and green leaves are known as anti-acids and they really help in reducing the acids in our body. 🤔❓How to use them?🤔❓When your sabzi is ready, add a lot of coriander at the end and add more curry leaves to the gravy of your sabzi.
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